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The GEO Global Agricultural Monitoring Flagship Initiative (GEOGLAM) was launched by the Group of Twenty (G20) Agriculture Ministers in Paris, June 2011 as part of the G20 Action Plan on Food Price Volatility. Since 2016, it has broadened the focus to include support for early warning in food insecure regions of the world. GEOGLAM is a global community consisting of over 100 institutions from about 40 nations and a dozen international agencies.


GEOGLAM uses Earth observations to increase market transparency and improve food security by producing and disseminating authoritative, timely, and actionable information on agricultural conditions at national, regional, and global scales.


Key GEOGLAM products include the Crop Monitor for major producing nations and the Crop Monitor for Early Warning. These are produced monthly to support the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) and international food security organizations.


Beyond the impact of the global crop monitors on market transparency and food security, the following impact stories focus on co-development accomplishments of the GEOGLAM community at the national and regional level:


“CropWatch Cloud provides very powerful tools that enable us to do crop monitoring and production prediction before the end of the growing season.”


- Joaquim Tomás, Nampula provincial office of Agriculture and Food Security, Mozambique

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